‘’Too Much Heaven’’ emociona a Beth Roars (vocal coach)

‘’Too Much Heaven’’ emociona a Beth Roars (vocal


Serie de reportajes. Título CXXXII (Capítulo 132)

Por Martha Colmenares

(My research work on The Bee Gees. The Bee Gees's

track record)

Copyright © 2022

July 2022


Excelente Beth Roars, en seguimiento de esta onda de emoción que generan los Bee Gees, ya podrán apreciar el vídeo, tiene subtítulos, y resulta sumamente gratificante el reconocimiento a estas voces tan preciosas como son las de los hermanos Barry, Robin y Maurice Gibb.  La he traído a mi blog al parecerme una fortaleza  su análisis sobre una de las canciones icónicas de los Bee Gees, ‘’Too Much Heaven’’. Conocedora de las claves de la interpretación musical irradia además entusiasmo, ella es contagiosa, divertida, transmite su emotividad al escuchar las armonías de los Hermanos Barry Robin y Maurice Gibb, las cuales considera perfectas. 

Vocal Coach reacts to Bee Gees -’’Too Much Heaven’’ (luego la transcripción)


La británica Beth Roars es una  entrenadora vocal

Reconocida en  la industria del entretenimiento durante más de 10 años por trabajar con muchos cantantes dentro de una variedad de géneros desde el rock y el pop hasta el teatro musical. La entrenadora vocal británica Beth Roars  Ella expresamente manifiesta que le  encanta trabajar con todas las edades y habilidades, y ayudar  a cualquier persona a alcanzar su máximo potencial, encontrar su voz y mejorar su propio estilo único. ‘’Mi trabajo como preparador vocal se basa en mi extensa labor como cantante profesional, arreglista y director musical. Esto me permite comprender las exigencias de los intérpretes de hoy en día: emocional, física y técnicamente¨. 

Viene a ser la transcripción:

I recently did a reaction to The Mamas and the Papas and this one came up in the comments a lot because I was saying how much i love harmonies so it is Bee Gees with     ‘’Too Much Heaven’’. They're vibratos all of them have really interesting vibrators because they're kind of vibratos but also tremolos the tremolo is when you have a modulation in volume as well as pitch whereas vibrato is just pitch and so you're getting this extra sort of push through which is kind of interesting that they all have it, at least suppose you know brothers the blend is beautiful and I guess doing harmonies like this I think with that phrasing it's so unusual they've definitely decided on the phrasing. 

There's little staccatos in the middle but that sort of blend only really happens with singing with each other a lot and you know they're brothers so I'm sure they have sung together since they were it flows little you and it flows through me and I love you so much is his voice to me is so interesting because he actually isn't singing in a way that many people would I think as he goes up to that falsetto when he's in the kind of mid-mix he's in what we would say is a lovely balanced place it's not too nasal it's fairly warm it just sits kind of in a really nice warm place but as he gets higher he adds a bit of nasality into it which gives him that really really distinctive sound like no one sounds like Barry Gibb no one sounds like him because most people wouldn't go for that nasality but it really shows that sometimes it's your limitations or the things that feel like flaws that actually are the things that make you unique it's not a flaw.

Like I mean I don't think i would ever teach someone to do that little run it's kind of slidy it has that nasality it's such an unusual tone but this is where you know as a teacher it's really important to understand what each student wants and keep on top of like asking them do you like that sound is that what you want to sound like because if you like that sound then someone else will and my taste isn't necessarily right or um the kind of standard singing isn't necessarily always right for you or the standard sound isn't necessarily right for you and i often think that it's those little idiosyncrasies that make people just so brilliant so brilliantly unique and why not sing however you want as long as it's healthy that's the key. [Music]

And the tears I can see a precious I just love their phrasing it's so together there's something that he did really interestingly there obviously you've got all these really really tight three-part harmonies perfect phrasing and then Barry just held a note a little bit longer so then he pops out that mix and then he joins back in that is what's also brilliant in that there's that really distinctive voice that can really really pop out but then he can bring it back and they're going for this really breathy tone so that they really match if they were all like like a frill tone it wouldn't it just wouldn't work it wouldn't have that kind of dream like feeling and it would feel like three singers fighting but they're bringing it back making it quite small quite breathy and really really matching, the harmonies are so tight perfect pitch me.


I love the orchestral backing as well like that tiny little change too much adding that little slidey two in there oh I just can't get over how great their phrasing is how spot on and how together they are and how they can blend how they can stand out you know I have to say i've never personally been that much of a bg's fan it's not something i would sit and listen to but I can certainly certainly

appreciate this and i said it pretty appreciate i said it really weird yeah like cry,

how they're all adding that little h in the middle of the slide at the same time much is I mean he can certainly sing up there connie, I feel like this is a master class and just owning who you are this unusual tone um can be used in a way to make something so beautiful and people often feel like i don't like my tone it's not like i want it because they're comparing themselves to other people but there's beauty to be found in anyone's tone whether it has nasality or whether it's really heavy or whether it's breathy there's beauty in everything and everyone's voice thank you for watching i hope you enjoyed if you did please do like and subscribe and I will see you in the next one down.

Vocal Coach reacts to reaction to analyses analyzes analysis of breaks down Bee Gees - Too Much Heaven 

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I wrote to her this in Youtube:

Oh, my dear friend, you are so great, I was very moved by this musical class that you give us with that emotion that captivates us, especially when it comes to a beautiful song and a trio of brothers, Barry, Robin and Maurice Gibb that I admire very much and consider my Heroes for those beautiful harmonies. Thank you very much for sharing this so subtle and seen from a perspective that contributes to the legacy of these musicians, The Bee Gees. 

Oh, querida amiga, tu eres tan grande, me ha emocionado muchísimo esta clase musical que nos brindas con esa emoción que nos cautiva, más tratándose de una hermosa canción y de un trío de hermanos, Barry, Robin y Maurice Gibb que admiro muchísimo y considero mis Héroes por esas armonías hermosas. Muchas gracias por compartir esto tan sutil y visto desde una perspectiva que aporta al legado de estos músicos, The Bee Gees. 

Thanks for reading

Por Martha Colmenares

Copyright © 2022

July 2022

My point of view in this history about The Bee Gees written by me from my heart.

Mi punto de vista en esta historia escrita por mi desde el corazón.

Twitter: @marthacolmenare

Instagram: @marthacolmenares

Facebook Pagina Martha Colmenares

Capítulo anterior

jueves, 7 de julio de 2022

Eros y Afrodita en los Bee Gees


Notas complementarias

Check out my second channel (Roar!) where I take on challenges: 


Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/bethroars

Book a lesson with Beth at https://bethroars.as.me/

Find out about Beth at https://www.bethroars.com/

Beth Roars Little Roars: 


Original Video: 


I hope this video helps you understand your voice and what you can do to grow as a singer

Book a lesson with Beth at https://www.bethroars.com/

Los demás capítulos de The Bee Gees en este mismo blog Aquí

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